Interview with Katy Huth Jones


Katy Huth Jones author picToday’s interview is with Katy Huth Jones. Welcome to the blog. Tell us something about yourself.

I grew up an Army brat in a creative family, and being a painfully shy child, books were my best friends during our frequent moves. I dropped out of college and married my husband Keith 37 years ago, planning to finish “some day” but ended up being “self-taught” after homeschooling our two sons and hundreds of others for twenty-five years. Now we have three precious grandbabies, live in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, and I play piccolo and flute in a quality regional symphony.

You probably have a better education that 90% of the people coming out of college. At what point did you know you wanted to be a writer?

Although I’d been writing stories since I was eight, I made a conscious decision to “be a writer” at age 28 when I…

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Interview with HL Burke


Today’s interview is with H. L. Burke. Welcome to the blog, Heidi. Tell us something about yourself. picI’m the wife of a Marine, Mother of two Super-Hero-Princesses, and guardian to Batcat (my cat’s name is Bruce Wayne. He’s BAT CAT!). I’m originally from Oregon, which means I have a high appreciation for nature and coffee and rain doesn’t scare me.

At what point did you know you wanted to be a writer? 

I dictated a short story to my mom when I was five or six. I only remember that it was about rabbits and included the bit of dialogue, “Why is it always snowing at your house?” “Because I’m a snow rabbit.”

Brilliant, huh?

Actually, that’s a great play on words for five.

But I have always wanted to write or been writing. I used to write short stories based on the imagined adventures of myself and my friends…

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Above The Cut – Lela Markham


Lela Markham

Lela Markham, the pen name of a native Alaskan has four published books under her Amazon profile. Her new release is Mirklin Wood, the second book in her Daermad Cycle.  I have yet to read this book as I want to read The Willow Branch, the first book in this series.  And, from the looks of it, she is not done with this series by a long shot.  I did have a small peek into the Daermad Cycle and it is lush, full of fantasy and Celtic lore, but a world all Lela’s own.  The two books are shy of one thousand pages, so grab bothMirklin Wood  before the 3rd in her series,  Fount of Dreams is scheduled (2017) to  hit the Amazon shelves.  

Now for something that is also set  in this world, but a wee bit closer to our present times.  Most of us…

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Taste of Mirklin Wood #9


This is a final taste of Mirklin Wood, which publishes March 15. It’s on pre-order.

Front Cover RedThe dark rain soaked everything. Gregyn arrived at the dun shivering from wet and exhaustion, only to be intercepted by Werglidd at the gate.

“Come with me immediately,” the court sorcerer ordered. Barely able to stand by this time, Gregyn had not the strength or energy to protest or defend himself as Werglidd compelled him to his tower apartment and barred the door.

“I know it was you, lad,” the middle-aged sorcerer fair sparkled with excitement as Gregyn stumbled to the divan before his legs gave out completely. “I knew Talidd was about to work a high-level ritual. Sawyl has been here purchasing supplies. And, of course, for a ritual of that magnitude, Talidd needed his strongest people. Even an apprentice would do when possessed of your power.”

Gregyn let his head fall back…

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Interview with Sarah Butfield


Today’s interview is with Sarah Jane Butfield, author of a lot of books. Welcome to the blog. Tell us something about yourself. 

Butfield Sarah SoloThanks for the invitation Lela, I am originally from rural Suffolk in East Anglia, UK. I was born in Ipswich, but we lived in small village called Stonham Aspal where I also attended primary school. We later moved back to Ipswich when I was in college studying my pre-nursing course. My nursing years were spent in Colchester, Essex and Liskeard in Cornwall. Later we lived in Australia and then France. I am a bit of a gypsy! After 28 years as a registered nurse working in all sorts of healthcare establishments I am now a full time author and freelance writer which makes me very happy and pays the bills. I am also a mentor to new and aspiring authors via my website and social media groups called Rukia…

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A Peek Behind the Curtain


This week’s Blog Hop is about what goes on behind the scenes of writing our novels.

Check out what my fellow hoppers have going on behind their curtains.


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Writing novels is what I do besides working for a living. I am an administrator for the State of Alaska and that’s enough said about that.

Currently, I am chief cook and bottle washer of this publishing shindig. Like any entrepreneur, I have to decide where to spend my money … if I have any money … and where I can save money by doing things myself.

I stink at marketing, so I’m scraping my pennies together to let someone else do that, to the extent I can afford it.

I largely rely on beta readers and my family to edit my manuscripts. I hope one day to pay…

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A Taste of “Mirklin Wood” #8


I’ve enjoyed providing tidbits of “Mirklin Wood” for your enjoyment.

Front Cover RedThrough the brush, she could see the wagon on the road – two men struggled with a woman each as an infant wailed at the rough handling by a third man. A fourth stood upon the wagon, tossing its contents.

Ryanna sent to Sabre – ~Get the one on the wagon — as she rushed the one who had the baby. She sheathed her long knife, then used the pommel of her sword to batter him into unconsciousness, while catching hold of the child with her free hand. She set the little fellow down as gently as the circumstances allowed while scoring a touch on the leg of the brigand who held the baby’s mother. He howled and let the woman go to protect himself from Ryanna. The mother rushed for her baby while the brigand made the fatal…

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