Interview with Jean Neff Guthrie


Guthrie Author PicToday’s interview is with YA fantasy Jean Neff Guthrie. Tell us something about yourself, Jean.

I grew up on a farm in Virginia and have a B.S. degree in Dairy Science from VA Tech. While working in Richmond, Virginia, I earned my M.S. degree in Mass Communications from VA Commonwealth University. That combination gave me a unique capacity to converse effectively with large herds of cows. (Lela laughs) Seriously, my life path has taken a number of twists and turns, but writing and speaking have always been on the trail.

In February, I published my first novel, “Mystical Aria: Seeking the Gallion Queen.” It launched as Amazon #1 New Release in Children’s American Folk Tales & Myths. A few days later, it hit Amazon #1 Best Seller in Children’s eBooks > Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths > United States. I’ve gone a long way from cowgirl to best-selling…

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Interview with Faith Blum


Today’s interview is with Faith Blum. Welcome to the blog. Tell us something about yourself. 

Faith Blum Author PicThank you, Lela! I’m so glad to be here. I am a home-school graduate from Wisconsin who has always loved to read and write. My favorite genre for years has been historical fiction, but especially westerns. About a year ago, I quit my job doing data entry at an accountant’s office so I could write full-time. I am so glad that I did. It has been great!

At what point did you know you wanted to be a writer? 

I wrote my first story when I was about ten as far as I can remember and I have been writing ever since. I never really anticipated being published, or really thought about it seriously until 2012 when a friend told me about a contest and I decided to polish up a novel for it. I didn’t…

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AKA – I’m Not Telling


I write under a pseudonym. Lela Markham is not my real name and I don’t even list the real names of my pets on this blog. Everything else is pretty much the truth, but I value my privacy enough to use a pen name because ….

Check out what my fellow authors have to say on this subject.

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One, my real name is hard to pronounce and spell. Although I only use the first name my parents gave me on legal documents, my nickname is…

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Interview with Arthur Daigle


Today’s interview is with fantasy author Arthur Daigle. It’s nice to have you visiting the blog, Arthur. Tell us something about yourself. 

I was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, and I earned a biology degree from Champaign Urbana (what can I say, it seemed like a good idea at the time).  I’d like to say I pay my bills with my writing income, but that’s a filthy lie.  I’ve worked at a variety of establishments, including Brookfield Zoo, Morton Arboretum, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, grading tests and working at a garden center.

Nothing wrong with that. Real life experience makes us better writers, in my opinion. At what point did you know you wanted to be a writer? (When did you write your first story, for example?)

I started writing for fun in high school.  My work then will never see the light of day, and…

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Visit with Claire MT Stibbe


Claire MT Stibbe is one of my favorite authors and I am proud to share space with her on the Breakwater Harbor Books imprint. So when she came out with a new book, I asked her to stop by the blog. Welcome, Claire. I’ve interviewed you before, so let’s dispense with the bio and get down to the meat. What challenges have you had to overcome or deal with in order to write?

CMT Stibbe Author PicWorking full time has always been a challenge since there are so few hours left in the day to sit down in a dedicated space and write. Now my main challenge is social media, updating webpages, editing, blogs, proofreading, reviews, formatting and Facebook. Each tiny distraction takes away precious minutes and hours from getting back into my writing zone. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told myself not to be sidetracked by the onslaught of bestselling…

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Interview with Dakota Willink


Today’s interview is with Dakota Willink. Welcome to the blog. Welcome to the blog, Dakota. Tell us something about yourself.

Dakota WillinkI am a self-employed writer and editor, and the author of Heart of Stone, a contemporary romance novel. I reside in the Buffalo, NY area. I wasn’t always a writer, but have a degree in business and worked in retail sales for many years. Over time, I wasn’t happy with my career choice. I had always dreamed of writing a book, but never believed that “real” people could do it. In 2013, I finally gathered enough courage to turn my dreams into a reality and began to put words on paper. Eventually, I began to describe my life as a book. Everything I saw or heard throughout the day intertwined with my imagination for the creation of future writings. Fortunately for me, my husband pays the bills. Writing is…

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