Interview with CJ Davis


Today, I am interviewing CJ Davis, author of The Battle for the Afterlife saga, a sci-fi fantasy set in … well, the afterlife. Tell us a little bit about yourself, CJ.

CJ Davis Head ShotI live in Atlanta, GA with my wife and two little girls. By day I’m a marketing executive for a software company, and by night I write novels, and short stories. I’m an avid runner, and just ran my fifth marathon last November in Philadelphia. Running provides me with the alone time I need to develop my stories.

How did you become a writer?

I’ve always been drawn to creative endeavors.  Even when I was a little boy we took turns during long family car trips telling stories we would make up on the spot.  When I was in fourth grade, my elementary school had a fantastic creative writing program.  As one exercise we all had to develop our…

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Interview with Dee Harrison


This week’s Writing Wednesday interview is with Dee Harrison, author of Firelord’s Crown, which is published under the Breakwater Harbor Books imprint. I’m just getting to know my fellow BHBers and from time to time, I will be hosting some of them on this blog. Dee and I actually know each other from Authonomy too. Tell us something about yourself, Dee.

Hi, thank you for giving me this opportunity. Well, I was born in Nottingham, UK, which is famous for its associations with Robin Hood. My grandmother would often take me and my sisters to Nottingham Castle when we were young. It’s basically a Victorian house now but there are still parts of the medieval castle left, including some spooky underground tunnels. We also went to Sherwood Forest and other such places so, from an early age, I was steeped in myth and history. I went on to study Medieval…

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Interview with CJ Rutherford


Today, I am meeting with CJ Rutherford, the author of Tales of the Neverwar.
Tell us something about yourself, Colin.
I’m 46 and live in Belfast, Northern Ireland with my wife, two little girls and a dog. I spent a few years in the British forces(RAF), during which time I saw lots of lovely sites around the world…if you can consider the Falkland Islands and the Outer Hebrides lovely :). But I moved back to NI when I met my wife and I’ve lived here ever since. I currently work in the IT industry.
SoulsHow did you set out on the journey to become a writer?
I’ve always been a voracious reader, often getting through two books a week. When the Kindle, and then the Kindle app, came along it was a dream come true for me. I could read wherever I wanted and just pick up where I left…

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Next Big Step


Full Cover for CSI’m ordering my proof copy of the paperback of The Willow Branch.

I am NOT a perfectionist, but I do have a commitment to quality and I was determined to put out a paperback that had a professional look. Createspace doesn’t make it easy, but it’s now done to my standards and I’m ordering my proof copy to make sure it actually will look like what the digital proof looks like.

Lots of, uh, fun this last month getting this into shape. I learned a lot from this first book and the next book ought to go easier.

Now, I have to start writing Murklin Wood in earnest.

#amwriting, #iartg, #lelamarkham, #willowbranch, #fiction, #fantasy

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Interview with Ted Minkinow


Today, I am interviewing Ted Minkinow, author of The Apostasy. I had a little technical glitch earlier, so I’m doing it a second time.

Displaying image002.jpgThanks, Lela.  I am thankful to you for providing an opportunity to chat about The Apostasy and some work that hasn’t been released.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, Ted. (Where are you from, where do you live, how do you keep a roof over your head, are your married, got kids, a dog … as much or as little as you want to say)

I’m married with five children (ages 9 to 15), and am an IT guy.  I grew up in a military family–was born in Munich, Germany while my dad served in the U.S. Army.  As a kid, I mostly grew up in Georgia and Alabama, and that’s where we waited on my father to complete two tours in Vietnam as a…

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