Interview with Becky Saleeby


becky_saleebyTell us something about yourself.

I have lived in Alaska for almost 32 years, so it is home to me. My children were born and raised here. My husband, Bruce, and I are both retired archaeologists who had the good fortune of making a living here, doing what we loved best. We did fieldwork everywhere from the North Slope down to Southeast. We even spent one winter of fieldwork deep in the forests of Prince of Wales Island with a four-year-old in tow!

That’s exciting and so very Alaskan, isn’t it? Our ordinary lives are adventures. Searching for Isaiah John is your first published fiction, but you have a long history of non-fiction writing in your university career. So, were you like me, writing fiction for your own entertainment in your spare time, or was this book your first foray into fiction writing?

I really admire people like you who…

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